
Young Entrepreneurs in Aquaponics High Five!

It is widely known that modern lifestyle does not reflect agriculture as one of the most popular occupations. Hundreds of young people migrate from towns or cities to the villages they live in and struggle for better job opportunities. Unemployment of young people who do not work in agricultural areas is increasing day by day. This “situation mak not only reduces the number of agricultural workers, but naturally also affects agricultural production negatively. According to many scientific research, agricultural production will encourage employment for many young people in Turkey and Europe and will be one of the most important dynamics of sustainable development. Developed countries have never severed ties with agriculture and animal husbandry, regardless of how good they are in other areas considered. These countries sell billions of advanced technology products and also export agricultural products grown on their lands. Our goal in this project is to give young people a chance to become agricultural entrepreneurs in the aquaponics field. Aquaponic systems Closed circuit system is presented as a model aiming to reduce the environmental impact while increasing production. Limited water resources and reduced arable land will cause difficulties in food supply in the future. Aquaponic systems are symbiotic closed circuit systems that offer new opportunities, are commercially viable and stand out with their sustained high production capacity, especially in areas unfit for production. Aquaponic systems provide high production with 98% less water usage compared to traditional production. With aquaponic system, the nutrients in the water are used by the plants, the water quality remains optimal. As can be seen from this information, this system, which is innovative in many fields, is recognized in our country; We aim to provide young people with the opportunity to become entrepreneurs in Aquaponic agriculture. Our first aim of our project, the young farmers from all over Europe and Turkey in the medical, learn and endemic plant species, providing them with the production Aquaponik system. Complex systems such as Aquaponics will be used by innovative, entrepreneurial, young and dynamic farmers who do not cater to farmers who meet the requirements of our time. Our project Turkey, Slovenia and Greece are the young entrepreneurs will receive training on how to produce and agricultural products to be trained in this regard.

“Funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”