
The Design of an Innovative Aquaponic System for the Climate Conditions of Van City

Aquaponic is a beautiful term which combines aquaculture (aqua) and hydroponic (-ponic). It is originally breeding fish and it grows various plants at a single place by saving lots of natural resources. As a result of being combined, breeding fish and planting should be made in an ecological farming way. These systems are innovative agricultural practices which has been used in some countries more than 10 years and has speeded up the agricultural development in those countries. These systems are substantially common in countries who comes to fore in terms of agriculture such as Netherlands,Belgium meanwhile they have not received the required investment in Turkey, Slovenia and Greece so far. With Aquaponics systems, the yield that can be taken from a normal field is up to 8 times depending on the product. Additionally, in terms of each climate, these systems are redesignable and adoptable systems. Naturally, in country who has 4 seasons such as Turkey, this kind of system has to be diversified in order to be sustainable.These systems can be re-designed in terms of each climate in an innovative manner. Aquaponic systems are complex Technologies which requires different and interdisciplinary works. Thanks to these Technologies, agricultural activities can be made in every climate condition. Aquaponics systems can be implemented both in Saudi Arabia climate conditions and in Canada Climate conditions, who have totally different climates. Within the scope of the project it is planned to develop an innovative model which will be implemented successfully in Turkey, The Leader of this Intellectual Output is Landing Aquaculture. In this output you can find every detail regarding Aquaponic System installation for Van City. This design can be used by entrepreneurs in Van City to set up their own Aquaponic Design.


Count File Explanation File
1 Turkish
2 English
3 Slovenian
4 Greek

“Funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. However, European Commission and Turkish National Agency cannot be held responsi­ble for any use which may be made of the information contained therein”